High Performance SMART Brain Training based on protocols from the Center for Brain Health at UTD results in improved thought processes and brain growth. MindSmarts is a collaboration between the Center for Brain Health and KepnerCPA (EPI member) to use a combination of proven business strategies and SMART training to improve business prosperity.

Most brain centers begin working on trauma issues, like PTSD, concussions and disease. The Center for BrainHealth has focused their work on Cognitive Resources rather than disease. As a result they have become the world leader in Cognitive Resources. They have over 600 clinical studies that prove their science.

KepnerCPA is a small CPA firm in Dallas focused on small businesses and entrepreneurs as our client base. Like all professionals we have been stymied by the unwillingness of some clients to embrace the changes to their business that we as professionals know will help them. The light bulb went on when we implemented the brain healthy protocols our revenues increased by 25% and our profits doubled. Kep saved 30%-40% of his time.

EPI Members can use this training internally and achieve substantial operational and financial results. More importantly, this is a process to help our “trapped business clients” to get unstuck and begin making changes that will help them prosper and help us, their advisors, to prosper alongside them.

Just using your brain differently increases the blood flow to the brain and grows your white matter. The result is that thinking differently about the things that matter to you grows your brain. You become smarter.

The session presents some of the findings from the Center for BrainHealth in business terminology and shows how we all can benefit from using the SMART protocols.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the profound role our brains play in our business successes.
  • Present scientific findings of Science on the Right Side of Business and the benefits that can be achieved.
  • Understand the business benefits that can come from “Thinking differently about the things that mean something to you.”
  • Learn and practice 2 of the 9 SMART protocols.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
EPI Hours: 1
Register Now

Who Should Attend?

  • CPAs/Accountants

    Owners participating in the State of Owner Readiness research continue to indicate that you are the No. 1 "Most Trusted Advisor." You are a natural fit to lead the exit planning team and deepen your relationship (and retention) of next generation owners.

  • Wealth Managers

    You’re a skilled relationship person. Being entangled into your clients’ professional lives matters as you build a strategy to manage their wealth upon them harvesting it from their business. Exit planning allows you to build a deeper relationship with your client, expands your COI network, while giving you an early seat at table well before the liquidity event.

  • Financial Advisors

    One of the critical ‘legs of the stool’ is personal financing planning. An owner must have a strong financial plan & contingency plan post-transition to enable them to thrive in the next act of the lives personally and financially. Exit planning brings this future mindset into the present. Exit is now.

  • Valuation Analysts

    Valuation is both a billable engagement AND an opportunity to provide owners some perspective on how to accelerate value drivers (and deal with value killers). Use exit planning to make that valuation into a longer term value acceleration engagement.

  • Strategic Consultants

    One of the most critical roles in exit planning is building transferable value. Strategic consultants have the ability to expand options and drive rapid business value that affect performance today.

  • Other Professional Advisors

    Regardless of your unique specialty, there is seat at the exit planning table for you. Learn more at


The Exit Planning Institute, provides Financial Advisors, Accountants, Consultants, and other advisors of business owners with the critical education to differentiate themselves and add value to their existing client relationships through a credential, conference, courses, and content. Download the CEPA brochure for more information.