What if you could boost your professional and personal performance by 20-300% with a few changes to your approach an mindset? 

Research shows that 9 out of 10 professionals are performing at 50-70% of their full potential. Most are operating at a fraction of what they are capable of. 

In addition, many advisors and professionals feel the challenges of tight deadlines, demanding clients, and spending more time working than with family.

So how do you perform at your highest level, consistently and sustain it over a long period of time and have a healthy personal and family life at the same time?

There is a way!

For the past 25 years, Purdeep Sangha and his team have been researching "performance" in the realm of the corporate world and have partnered with over 17 academic and research organizations to solve this one question:

"How does a business professional perform at their highest potential at work and at home, and have a fulfilling life as well?"

Join us to find out how.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to boost your performance by 20-300%.
  • How to avoid burnout.
  • How to structure effective work-life harmony.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
EPI Hours: 1
Register Now

Who Should Attend?

  • CPAs/Accountants

    Owners participating in the State of Owner Readiness research continue to indicate that you are the No. 1 "Most Trusted Advisor." You are a natural fit to lead the exit planning team and deepen your relationship (and retention) of next generation owners.

  • Mergers & Acquisition Advisors

    Proper exit planning causes less deals to fall through at the last minute. Connect with CEPAs to build your healthy deal flow network.

  • Strategic Consultants

    One of the most critical roles in exit planning is building transferable value. Strategic consultants have the ability to expand options and drive rapid business value that affect performance today.

  • Business Consultants

  • Wealth Managers

    You’re a skilled relationship person. Being entangled into your clients’ professional lives matters as you build a strategy to manage their wealth upon them harvesting it from their business. Exit planning allows you to build a deeper relationship with your client, expands your COI network, while giving you an early seat at table well before the liquidity event.

  • Other Professional Advisors

    Regardless of your unique specialty, there is seat at the exit planning table for you. Learn more at

  • Professional Advisors


The Exit Planning Institute, provides Financial Advisors, Accountants, Consultants, and other advisors of business owners with the critical education to differentiate themselves and add value to their existing client relationships through a credential, conference, courses, and content. Download the CEPA brochure for more information.