Building a collaborative team where everyone wins can be more difficult than you think, especially if you are new to exit planning. Joe Strazzeri has many years of collaboration experience and is going to share his best practices and secrets of success with you in how he has not only built her team over the years, but how his team has helped him build his practice. You’ll leave this session with actionable steps to build your own collaborative dream team for the benefit of everyone involved.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn best practices in choosing right-fit team members to work with
  • Learn how to build a strong network for the benefit of your client and you
  • Identify situations where specialized advisors are necessary
  • Learn how to establish a collaboration process by working case studies of real client situations
  • Learn best practices in giving and receiving great referrals

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
EPI Hours: 1
Register Now

Who Should Attend?

  • Financial Advisors

    One of the critical ‘legs of the stool’ is personal financing planning. An owner must have a strong financial plan & contingency plan post-transition to enable them to thrive in the next act of the lives personally and financially. Exit planning brings this future mindset into the present. Exit is now.

  • Family Business Advisors

    More than 50% of lower middle market business owners would prefer to transition to the next generation. Help them succeed with exit planning strategies.

  • Other Professional Advisors

    Regardless of your unique specialty, there is seat at the exit planning table for you. Learn more at

  • Professional Advisors

  • Business Consultants

  • Strategic Consultants

    One of the most critical roles in exit planning is building transferable value. Strategic consultants have the ability to expand options and drive rapid business value that affect performance today.


The Exit Planning Institute, provides Financial Advisors, Accountants, Consultants, and other advisors of business owners with the critical education to differentiate themselves and add value to their existing client relationships through a credential, conference, courses, and content. Download the CEPA brochure for more information.