Michael Trabert is a partner in Marcum’s Advisory Services group. He leads the Firm’s Value Acceleration / Exit Planning Services Group. Mike understands the intrinsic value of the elements of a business and assists clients in maximizing their value. He was recognized as the Exit Planner of the Year in 2017 by the Exit Planning Institute. He has worked extensively with clients ranging from startups to multinational organizations with over $1.5 billion in annual sales.
Michael Trabert is a partner in Marcum’s Advisory Services group. He leads the Firm’s Value Acceleration / Exit Planning Services Group. Mike understands the intrinsic value of the elements of a business and assists clients in maximizing their value. He was recognized as the Exit Planner of the Year in 2017 by the Exit Planning Institute. He has worked extensively with clients ranging from startups to multinational organizations with over $1.5 billion in annual sales.
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- Website:
https://cbiz.com - Phone: (440) 821-8054
- Email:
mike.trabert@cbiz.com - City: Mayfield Village
- State: Ohio
- Postal Code: 44143
- Country: United States
- Designations: CEPA, CM&AA, CMAP, CPA, CVA, CBEC