Taylor Hodges founded Southern Capital in 2015 and cultivated his firm’s reputation for providing a personalized and engaging customer service experience. He believes that his company’s success is measured by the quality of the relationships it maintains. Unique to many modern financial planning organizations, Southern Capital has grown exclusively from referral-based marketing strategies and word-of-mouth brand awareness. Southern Capital serves clients across the United States and following Taylor’s exit planning certification, began specializing in quarterbacking value growth and exit planning solutions for small business owners. Our advisors manage external third-party micro advisors on behalf of our clients ranging from CPAs to real estate agents to attorneys, in order to improve overall business efficiency and create a truly comprehensive financial plan for owners.
Taylor Hodges founded Southern Capital in 2015 and cultivated his firm’s reputation for providing a personalized and engaging customer service experience. He believes that his company’s success is measured by the quality of the relationships it maintains. Unique to many modern financial planning organizations, Southern Capital has grown exclusively from referral-based marketing strategies and word-of-mouth brand awareness. Southern Capital serves clients across the United States and following Taylor’s exit planning certification, began specializing in quarterbacking value growth and exit planning solutions for small business owners. Our advisors manage external third-party micro advisors on behalf of our clients ranging from CPAs to real estate agents to attorneys, in order to improve overall business efficiency and create a truly comprehensive financial plan for owners.
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- Website:
https://www.mysoutherncapital.com - Phone: 8506889079
- Email:
taylor@mysoutherncapital.com - City: Tallahassee
- State: Florida
- Postal Code: 32963
- Country: United States
- Designations: CFP-2, CEPA, CExP